Yuwie getting paid to Myspace?
On this blog I like to come up with different methods of obtaining passive income. Really their a lot are sub par opportunities out there and not worth my time in the least. Well about last week sometime one of my blogger friends told me of a site called Yuwie that pays people like you and me to socialize. Just Imagine a site such as myspace which is real popular , share revenue from advertisement profits every time someone visits your profile. That is not the only way you have to make money from Yuwie. The method I know that will bring in most money from Yuwie by far is referring everyone you know in all your internet social circles to come to Yuwie. You get paid from all people viewing hier profile and the people who they refer profile which goes on for 10 levels. I never seen an affiliate program that paid on ten levels. I always seem to talk about leverage all the time and Yuwie offers this in the handful ,through getting paid by viral marketing that is easier than counting to ten. Here is how you get paid and how much money you can make, but remember you get paid via Paypal.
I know their are thousands of Web 2.0 sties popping all over the web and most of these sites are not even worth looking into. Simply because everyone of these sites somehow piggy back from Myspace's Success. Let e also ask you how many of these companies are asking you to join their and share their revenue? The answer is one Yuwie which is not your walk in the park web 2.o site. So all in all Join Yuwie and get paid to do what you will do anyway which is talking to your friends.Subscribe in a reader
Honestly I am a member of Yuwie.. but never made that big money... It's hard to make money there.. you really have to be active.
Make Money Online Free
Like when I signed up for facebook in 2006, It was really easy to refer friends since everybody I know are always looking for a place to chat. With Yuwie you have to give it some time, since word mouth travels slowly in the beginning and explodes with one person who has a big social circle. So at least give it six months to see if you will earn income from Yuwie.
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